Friday, September 9, 2011

The GOP in 2008: Survey and Analysis (the second of three parts)

!9# The GOP in 2008: Survey and Analysis (the second of three parts)

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III. Alan Keyes:

Alan Keyes is a resident of Maryland and former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Economic and Social Council under Ronald Reagan. He holds a Ph.D. in government affairs from Harvard in 1979 and is also the guest on radio call-in show "America Wake-Up Call. The Alan Keyes Show" has launched his first bid for the Senate in 1988, but lost to incumbent Democrat Paul Sarbanes. In 1992 he ran again, this time losing Democrat Barbara Mikulski. During thisCountry Keyes campaign was still the United Nations [debt while he himself paid a salary of $ 100,000 of campaign contributions. He argues that the debt, that the election campaign and that he personally was not responsible.

Although the GOP presidential nomination twice before tried, and very charismatic, Keyes is disconcerting and even in some circles as "extremist." Another issue is whether Keyes, a "loyal" Republicans are, as has been reported fromWashington Post in 1992, Keyes said that the party "racist", adding: "At some level, blacks do not apply ... If I can work in the fields, I think I should be allowed in to go home for dinner."

As a presidential candidate Keyes is often lamented the fact that many of the questions asked, the race was centered and it was a scary poll. He believed that the media does not portray him as a capable candidate, emphasizing his race than hisstands on the issues. Slate Jacob Weisberg said that "the race factor works in favor Keyes mild '," because if it were a white Republican, and therefore less of a novelty, the press portray him in a more direct, like a fanatic. Ignoring Keyes is the kindest thing you can do printing for him. "

Keyes is strictly anti-abortion, writing "The breach of [sic] innocent human life the same, if you commit acts of terrorism or abortion." 2002 ("The vocabulary of terrorism: anti-abortionPolitics since 9 / 11. "April 10, 2002) Keyes added:" "What distinguishes terrorism from ordinary warrior, is that the terrorists deliberately target innocent human life, what is done during an abortion to anyone.? Objectives innocent human life. "

During the 6th Republican presidential debate in January 2000, revealed that his stand on homosexuality is still bitter, "And 'now that we have put the whole truth, if we accept the radical homosexual agenda will be.the military or in marriage or in other areas of our lives we have destroyed the concept of family. We must resist the military. We need to oppose the marriage. We have to face when the basic institutions of our civilization is to survive. Who is not ready, this fact and play with this issue are doing so irresponsibly at the expense of the moral foundations of America. "(In the meantime, just know that his daughter Maya Keyes' is a lesbian, a lifestyle that is condemned as a facial"Selfish hedonism").

While in the 2004 Illinois senatorial debates Keyes was asked: "What would you say to your child if one of your children to come to you and say that he or she was homosexual?" Answer Keyes' was: "I'm not saying homosexual relations is an abomination, the Bible says so and many people in this state to believe in the Bible when it says ... -. marriage traditional marriage - is based on heterosexual relationships because they are connected to reproduction. In anySociety and culture is the marriage with the control activities associated with the consequences of procreation. And this is the main topic in the civic sense, against something like gay marriage. And 'irrelevant. It is not necessary, and the idea that we need laws regulating private friendships for no reason, strikes me as a fundamental degrading these private friendships ... institutionalize and who, I think, puts us on a road in the direction of ourSocial self-destruction. "

The eloquent Keyes believes that America needs a return to his roots morally-based. These positions I play "sermons", but Keyes argues that the lack of morality in this country one of the causes of the problems of cities. Keyes has aa strong following among conservative Christians, but not to the point where he has a realistic chance of anything ever chosen. He says that abortion gives women "a choice to move tothat life in her womb is a violation of the basic premise that makes America what it is ... is about our commitment to that which defines us as a people and a free country. I think it's the most important issue of our time. "Still, others have problems with his opposition to the constitutional provision that allows the separation of church and state.

Keyes believes that the 17 Amendment, the direct election of U.S. senators, instead of offering their election or appointment of aDiet, wrongly assumes the power of the diets. In 2004, Senator Zell Miller SJ Res 35, which would repeal the 17 Amendment, it was believed too much power to special interests in Washington and was an attack on federalism. Also supporting this idea was Libertarian Lew Rockwell.

Keyes says, "Senators were originally elected as part of our Constitution, the Parliament - for the simple reason that the Senate was adopted to represent the StateGovernments, non-geographical units, but governments which take power, the control of the affairs of the states as sovereign entities, which under our Constitution, retain the residual powers of government are not transferred to the federal government ... our laws in the state of Illinois, to be adopted by Parliament. In passing these laws, people are "disenfranchised" in this state? Of course not. If the legislature makes a decision, a criminal law imposes limits onBooks, "The people against so-and-such." if the law is violated because the legislature believes that the people responsible for the meaning of our Constitution. "

KEYES IV topics

In 1996, Keyes sought the presidential nomination of the Republican Party, but the prize went to Bob Dole, who was strangled in the general election of Bill Clinton). In 2000, Keyes tried again. He "... was invited to join the two remaining major candidates, John McCain and George W. Bush, in aNumber of nationally televised debates. Many viewers were impressed by Keyes as McCain and Bush and commentators on Fox News Channel and MSNBC came the winner of the debate, Keyes said. FOX News Channel analyst Dick Morris said: "Bush has no place to go but down Keyes had recorded an original message, and '.."

In 2004, when the Republican candidate has had for the U.S. Senate seat from Illinois to withdraw because of a sex scandal, Keyes was recruited to answer the bell. Somesaw him as a carpetbagger and worse, a hypocrite to Hillary Clinton's Senate bid in New York to report after a short stay in this state. Keyes said: "I'm deeply shocked by the destruction of federalism by Hillary Clinton in a state of readiness to live and do not even pretend to represent people there, so certainly would not imitate represented." It 'was performed in the hypocrisy of the party and to require the unique circumstances in which his participation wasrequired. However, final results were Barack Obama has won votes 3,524,70270 Keyes '1, 371.88227.

Keyes is a supporter of the death penalty during his campaign not Illinois senator was asked: "How does your support of the death penalty and against abortion, the conflict with their Catholic faith, Keyes denied a conflict, the ' abortion with the word 'and capital punishment are at different levels of moral concerns. Abortion is intrinsically, objectively wrong and sinful,while the death penalty is a matter of prudential judgment that is not in itself a violation of moral law. There are some issues that objectively against the most elementary rules of decency and morality, abortion, for example, is one of them - the suppression of innocent life ... But if you take a position that the distinction between innocent life and guilty life is extinguished, then there are only a breach of an ethical canon to destroy the foundation of law, and that is the lastContempt for human life. "

Keyes against CAFTA, NAFTA and GATT agreements. He also supported the 23% VAT, which has asked her Senatorial opponent Barack Obama. "One of the potentially regressive tax systems that we have" Keyes believes that this flat tax "would be a benefit for many taxpayers, right there. It would also provide a massive increase in the capitalization of the economy, employment and productivity, and especiallythat the individual would be in their consumption behavior to determine when they paid taxes. Each fair tax proposal also contains measures to ensure that the poor and who are willing to live with satisfaction is the tax due. "

Obama countered with a research study supported by the University of Chicago economist. "After all the exceptions in place (the tax) had, it would be fifty cents to seventy cents on the dollar to be, with every purchase, you have some exceptionsThey suggest. (This fee is) on top of state and local sales taxes that already exist. "

Keyes is also strongly against abortion, citing the following figures: "Did you know that something like 13 million children were killed by blacks Roe v. Wade, as a result of this holocaust of abortion, you know that the black population of something today? 25 per cent less than it would otherwise be the case because of abortion? Did you know that black womendisproportionately likely to have an abortion, that children are aborted than blacks born today, and how this type of project trends into the future, the black population is a negligible factor in American politics and other things, during the 21 Century? I think back to American blacks, with a legacy of oppression and slavery, which unfortunately is involved in this matter, because 78 percent of abortion clinicsthat provided by several of the abortions in America, Planned Parenthood, are in or close to the black community. The blacks are thirteen percent of the population. They represent more than one third of abortions. So I think about these important issues, there are models that have yet to find people based on race, and have targeted people in the womb. "

More recently, Keyes against the nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court, writing: "ManyConservatives do not understand why President George W. Bush stealth approach for the selection of candidates for the Supreme Court adopted. If the Democrats trash highly qualified candidates because their thinking reflects the President of the Court, instead of the platform of the Democratic Party will not be difficult to convince the public that they are simply trying to achieve by intimidation what they could not to reach the polls in recent presidential elections. "


Dr. Condoleezza Rice, by her mother after the Italian musical notation "with sweetness" (that is, to play "Sweet."), Was in Birmingham, Alabama, born in 1954. During this time, Birmingham was the center of the civil rights movement, but his family was not the demonstrative type, the choice of hard work and stress education as a means to "overcome".

B. Denise Rawlins writes: "As the only son of educators, the importance of rice was impressed by theFirst day. He learned to read when most children were still struggling to walk up to 3 years and began teaching in a variety of areas: classical piano, figure skating, dance, French. Rice was in eighth grade for 11 years joined the University of Denver at 15, and went on to earn his doctorate in international studies. "

She is idolized by young black girl in the whole country and in the eyes of many is the darling of the Republican Party. President has the ear and ConferenceEvery morning and talk to him all day. The former assistant to Clinton, Dick Morris is expected that you or Hillary Clinton as the 44th U.S. President will be sworn in January 2009. He and co-author Eileen McGann believe: "There is one and only one, figure in America, Hillary Clinton can stop the Secretary of State Condoleezza." "Condi Rice Among all the possible Republican candidates for president, Condi alone could win nomination, defeat Hillary and derail athird Clinton administration. Condoleezza, in fact, represents a mortal threat to the success of Hillary. With its broad appeal to voters outside the traditional Republican base Condi has the potential to carry large supply enough defections from the Democratic Party in serious erosion among voters Hillary's core. It pulls the same woman, African-Americans and Hispanic voters who embrace Hillary, while maintaining the traditional support of Republicans. "

And 'if you doubtRice was running for president would receive widespread black support. Many blacks do not embrace, seeing them as the face of an administration that is indifferent to the concerns of blacks. This started with George Bush snubbed the NAACP's invitation during the primaries to ensure respect for the anti-affirmative action Michigan statutes (not the birthday of Martin Luther King a couple) for the slow response to those stranded by Hurricane Katrina links. In all three cases has been criticized as rice"Bush apologist". A recent article in Black Commentator Rice said: "... the purest expression of the traitor race. Mannered No description is possible." The article continues: "... The Republican Party, a strategy of selective, high-profile minority appointments This approach allows the GOP continues to maintain the basic core racist ... Of secondary importance was given to the possibility of finding large support among. blacks voters. "

Before the rice was part of theThe policy of the Republicans was a student at Stanford University. During this period Czechoslovak diplomat Josef Korbel was the father of the affected in the process of being Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. Rice to notice only when used during the seminar may 1984 she has been challenged by Brent Scowcroft, the head of the Commission, President Ronald Reagan on strategic forces. After a discussion on arms control, Rice has questioned the wisdom of government policy to prevent. Scowcroft later admitted that Ricewas "someone I need to know. This is an intimidating subject.'s this girl, and she is not intimidated."

Scowcroft, Rice began calling various health events, and when she was National Security Advisor in 1989, appointed the National Security Council as an authority on Soviet politics. In 1998 he met the then Texas Governor George W. Bush in a meeting on the campus of Stanford University. A year later he joined his office as rector of the StanfordThe Bush team to bring foreign policy advisers. In 2000, Dr. Rice was elected to the Republican National Convention address in 2000.

While their strength is in foreign policy, the question arises of how they might fare on domestic issues. Economic Rice perhaps better insight through their work at Stanford, where he shows them to make unpopular cuts. Two years later the school was again solid economic base, hit the benefactor of the school.

Rice says the war on terrorismthat the Bush administration, "... have acted swiftly to unify and streamline our efforts to protect the American homeland. The President and the Congress of the Patriot Act, the legal and bureaucratic walls broke before 11. September handicapped intelligence forces and law from the collection and sharing of vital threat information. Those who claim now to roll back the Patriot Act changes invite us, the important lesson that we learned to forget September 11. "

ThoughSome consider them nothing but their play "Lady," Bush Nixon. During his confirmation hearing, said that (for the position of Secretary of State) Senate Senator Barbara Boxer of California, that their loyalty to George Bush "overwhelmed your respect for the truth." Boxer also criticized the Bush administration (especially rice) for the failure to develop an exit strategy for Iraq and are unwilling to acknowledge mistakes.

While the right hand of Bush, his policy might emphasize the samethose of the president during his second term stresses. This could partially privatize social security, revision control laws and the issue of immigration. As Alan Keyes, Rice is in possession of a deeply religious man, which means that it is more than likely against abortion and gay marriage, but there is no proverbial "paper trail" that can be fed into the rice. Yet there are critics like Condi Grugyn Silverbristle, who writes: "When I started to investigateCondoleezza Rice, the irony that I first noticed was an almost total absence of original records. Your most important books and papers are almost always as a co-author. In fact, almost the only original "work" I was able to identify their class discourse Condoleezza 12th June 1999. "

In that speech, Rice speaks the line: "Our common border is no longer a line that divides us, but a region that unites our countries, our aspirations, values ​​and culture ..." It was allegedthat this line has been raised previously by a speech by Colin Powell. The accusation that Rice should not be an "original thinker" probably do nothing to harm her during the campaign. And while Rice's "flattered" to "Project Condi" websites, does not want the President, unless the National Football League. (Seriously, folks).

Rice, however, pen an essay titled "Promoting the National Interest", indicating the need for change in U.S. foreign policy focusedso that our allies in the United States foreign policy, he said. Rice wrote: "... the United States should return to the fundamental principle that" issues of power. "" It 'was written a year before Bush launched his 2000 bid for the White House. Now is the cornerstone of Bush's foreign policy.

Some candidates have refused to run for president because they do not want to subject their families to the invasiveness of the media. In the case of State Condoleezza case of ice, would rejectrumors about her being a lesbian. The problem has been carried out in all places, in a comic strip called "The Boondocks" and the explanation. "Perhaps if there was a man in the world who Condoleezza truly loved, it would not be so eager to destroy it"

The Washington Post pulled the strip, including the version with the policy of not commenting on the private lives of politicians. Democrats are not as beautiful as we have seen the attacks on Mary Cheney during the election campaign of 2004. SarahWho said: "Of course, we are called lesbians should be a big problem, but the reality is that for women (especially single women) in public positions of power, this kind of items can be very harmful (is) the use of. homosexuality as a defect that is so disturbing, because not only on the assumption that a strong, confident woman should not be based on a "real" (read: heterosexual) women, but women only in heterosexual relationships 'real' women. "

The policyDestruction are more than a fancy slogan, but a distinct reality. When is the last time a presidential campaign was really about the issues? Since the Bush-Dukakis debacle (political low point in my book), personal attacks under the guise of throwing, "which has stronger family values."

If Condi is not running, you will have access to some very deep pockets "who served on the board of directors for the Chevron Corporation, the Charles Schwab Corporation, the William and FloraHewlett Foundation, Transamerica Corporation, Hewlett Packard, the Carnegie Corporation, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, RAND Corporation, and KQED, public broadcasting for San Francisco. It 'was also on the Board of Directors of the University of Notre Dame, the International Advisory Council of JP Morgan and the San Francisco Symphony Board of Governors. "(Wikipedia). This can also cause voters to be wary of her blacks, believe (as most of the members of the GOP)committed to large enterprises.

In August of 2004 and 2005, Forbes magazine named her the world's most powerful woman. Condi should work? The consensus is, she is the smartest member of the administration and has a good chance of winning. Their popularity across racial lines. Even as the vice-presidential candidate makes a huge GOP, when coupled with Jeb Bush, John McCain or Rudy Giulani. In addition, Rice-Clinton campaign withdrawal where it should be: aDiscussion of the problems between two intelligent people - and maybe win over a woman - if it is important to know that

Coming Up, "McCain, Bush, Giuliani

The GOP in 2008: Survey and Analysis (the second of three parts)

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